Singers Audition for State Choir

Round two of TMEA All-State Choir auditions and auditions for 9/10 Honor Choir took place Oct. 20 at Granbury High School.


Last month, seven high school students advanced to round two of TMEA All-State and auditioned for round two. In round two, people who place above a certain ranking are put in a Region Choir. The Region Choir will perform on Nov. 10.


Those who made Region Choir are Camille Krieger, David Lasateryler, Tyler Angerbauer, London Kasper, Danielle Harrington and Madison O’Brien.


“It feels amazing to make it [9/10]. I am just so proud of myself because I have tried so hard,” freshmen Broghan Guffey said.


In addition to the seven who advanced last month, sophomore Xavier Little was told mere hours before auditions began that he could audition in round two, after someone backed out, and sophomore Jocelyn McBrayer was also called up to audition, but was given more time to prepare. The students who are advancing to round three of TMEA auditions are Tyler Angerbauer, London Kasper, Danielle Harrington and Madison O’Brien.


“I wasn’t really nervous while I went through the rehearsal. But I didn’t know my music,” Little said.


Unlike TMEA, which has three rounds to gain entry, 9/10 only has one audition.


In addition, All-State Choir takes freshmen through seniors, while 9/10 Honor Choir only takes freshmen and sophomores.


From eight to noon, 16 freshmen and sophomores auditioned, including Zoe Cooley, Ellie Conlan, Eleanor Shori, Broghan Guffey and Sandy Hackney, who all made the 9/10 Choir.


In round two of TMEA, if the auditioner is a freshman or sophomore and does not advance, they are placed in the 9/10 Honor Choir, so Xavier Little made 9/10 as well.


The Honor Choir will also perform on November 10.


“I feel like I did mediocre. I could’ve done a lot better if my nerves didn’t get in the way,” freshman Addi Jarrell said. “But that’s just my life.”