Spring has sprung, and the annual Spring Fling is right around the corner. Junior class officers are hard at work to ensure the event runs as smoothly as possible while also fundraising for next year’s prom. It will be hosted at the high school, March 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“Recent activities include measuring for indoor and outdoor activities, vendor approval, and primarily advertising,” secretary Abbie Quinn said. “Sarah and Thessalie have worked a lot on advertising and promoting it on social media. We’re making Canva templates and that kind of stuff.”
With over 250 applicants for vendors, AP Statistic teacher Mary McClellan and officers had to narrow it down to about 125. Each of these vendors are reviewed and selected to make sure there are a variety of products and booths to be seen.
“So we decide which vendors we want to have at the Spring Fling,” McClellan said. “Things that go into consideration is what they’re selling and the quality of what they are selling. We do no want to have too many of one kind of product so we try to make sure that they’re different.”
About 2000 dollars has been spent on professional signs for promotion for vendors and supporters. High school students will be there to help as well in which they can get community service hours.
“It has been a lot of fun getting to promote Spring Fling and work to be able to fundraise for next years prom,” vice president Thessalie Stuntz said. “It has definitely been a lot of work but it’s so awesome to see it all come together. There will be student volunteers to help all day from NHS as well to help the vendors set up and find their way around.”
For more information and to see what vendors they’ll have, check out their Instagram, @aledospringfling