Freshman’s Opinion on Raising Show Animals

Megan Williamson takes Mav out to get some exercise. Photo by Jane Wood

The AG barn reflected the early morning light. Loud moos and bleats are heard from outside the building. Freshman Megan Williamson walks through the dewy grass to the barn, heading toward a small metal stall. Williamson’s small sheep Mav bleats and trots up the gate. 

“Something I enjoy about owning an animal is his personality,” Williamson said. “When I got him I didn’t expect an animal to have so much personality, but he has his own and his attitude is a major part of it.” 

Williamson said Mav is a stubborn and spirited animal and he tries to run away but ends up dragging her when walking him. He also gets excited when she feeds him. 

“I am at the barn every morning before school and after school,” Williamson said. “Some of my tasks include feeding him, giving him fresh water twice a day, walking him, washing him and wrapping his legs.” 

Raising livestock isn’t without its struggles. Sheep are nervous, skittish animals and can play a big part into their personality and overall care. 

“The hardest part was getting him used to me,”  Williamson said. “It took him at least two weeks before I could even pet him.I got a lamb because I thought the experience would be good,” Williamson said. “I am looking into showing larger animals so this was just a beginner.” 

Willamson said that she is planning on getting another lamb soon, towards the end of the school term. “I really enjoy it,” Williamson said, “even though it’s a lot of work.”