Freshman Leading Ladies

In the midst of the uncertainty of this year, freshmen are pushing forward with Leading Ladies. Leading Ladies is a philanthropic organization for young women which is focused on growing and inspiring young ladies to be leaders in their community and beyond. 

Leading ladies does volunteer work, holds social events, projects within their community, and more. 

During one of the first meetings of the year, Leading Ladies laid out their first project: a fundraiser for Aiden Yielding. Aiden Yielding is a freshman that is suffering from leukemia. They will be holding a knockout game and all the proceeds will go to him and his family. 

They are also waiting on approval for a canned food drive. 

The Leading Ladies sponsor changed this year to Mrs. Staats. 

The representatives for the 2020-2021 Leading Ladies are Emory Rapp as president, Morgan Sehnam as vice president, Skylar Zetswig as social chair, Campbell Cayce as publicity chair, and Kenley Germany as historian.