The Internet is Burning with “The Fire of God”
“What I hope is that people will read it and get something out of it,” Wyatt said. “Even if it’s just a small piece of wisdom they didn’t have before.”
Wyatt started the blog for the purpose that even if a lot of other people didn’t read it, he was still able to grow personally through his work with it.
“I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting up to do my Bible studies, and I remembered my friend Mason having his last year,” Wyatt said. “I figured if I couldn’t get up and do mine, then I would just take what’s already in my head and organize it.”
Every year before this, Wyatt had had a schedule for his day. He’d go to bed and wake up at a certain time, make sure there was time for his studies. But this year he hasn’t been able to follow his regular schedule. He just kept running out of time. So this blog was his solution.
“I feel like there is still definitely room for improvement, but I have seen a change for the better,” Wyatt said.
Wyatt didn’t grow up in the church because his parents could never find one they wanted to stick with until he was in eighth grade. He went to his aunt’s church for VBS (vacation bible school) every summer, but it was the closest he got to organized church. In the summer before his sophomore year, Wyatt found his faith.
“I didn’t always grow up in the church, but I always more or less believed in a God, I just wasn’t sure which religion was right,” Wyatt said.
The summer before his sophomore year, Wyatt went to a church camp and found that it changed everything for him.
“I swore I was gonna live for God, but I didn’t mean it,” Wyatt said. “It was just that church camp high.”
But a verse in Luke 15 continually brought Wyatt back to God, talking about how God chases down the one who is lost every time. It was a verse he saw resonate in his life.
“My best friend had just come to God, I had just gotten plugged into a new church and now I was surrounded with this amazing group of people who followed God with everything they had,” Wyatt said. “And then I slowly saw my life change to reflect God and those around me, and I’m still changing to meet that, but changing for the better.”
Wyatt uses the blog to spread what he’s learned about God and share it with other people; while also being able to fuel his own faith and relationship with God. He talks about what the best part of it all is.
“I guess just being able to take everything I know and put it on paper,” he said. “And then I can also be proud of what I wrote looking back after it’s been published.”