Choir Competes at UIL
The Varsity Choir headed to Granbury High School on April 4 to compete at the annual UIL competition. The competition included a concert and sight-reading.
In the concert, they sang their three competition pieces (“All That Hath Life & Breath Praise Ye the Lord!” by René Clausen, “Gloria In Excelsis” by Eduardo Lakschevitz and “You Are My Music,” with music by Laura Farnell) for the judges and were rated on a scale from one to five, with one being the best. The concert was professionally recorded for the choirs to take with them. The choir received an one, one and two, which averages to a one.
The sight-reading competition proved a little more challenging. The choir was handed a brand-new piece of music, one written specifically for the competition, as they walked into the room and were not allowed to look at it until their director, Mrs. Paul, told them to “open it up.” They were given six minutes to look through the piece and then they had to sing through it. At the end of the first reading they were given another two minutes for Mrs. Paul and the section leaders to make comments and corrections before they were to sing through it for the last time. Both readings were judged on the same scale of 1 to 5, with 1 again being the best. In the sight-reading room the choir received: one, one and one, which also averages to a one.
Getting a one overall means that the choir received Sweepstakes, a very high honor in UIL, and a trophy. Congratulations to the Varsity Treble Choir!